Ribeye steak with butter sauce

Ribeye is my favorite steak.  This is my favorite way to cook it because it’s almost fool proof.  I hope you like it.  It requires the use of a cast iron skillet, you know the one under all those other thing at the bottom of your pantry.  Make sure it’s seasoned.(the pan) Google how to do that if you don’t know how to do it.
2 16 oz ribeye about 1 inch thick trim the outside fat.
Salt and pepper
Butter if you want to add  some fresh tarragon that would really be good.
Cast iron skillet
Olive oil
Preheat oven to 350
Trim any griddle off steaks
Put cast iron on medium you want it to start smoking lightly
Add oil
Salt and pepper both side of steaks liberally
Place steak in pan cook for 5 minutes per side and don’t touch it move it or do anything until it’s time to turn.
Place pan with steaks in oven for 10 minutes
Check temp with thermometer should be a perfect 125 (medium rare perfection)
Let it rest for 10 minute put the knife down and walk away it’s not going anywhere
ribeye steak 1
ribeye steak 2
ribeye steak 4
ribeye steak 3
ribeye steak 5

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